One of the most important aspects of the BETONIQ concept is that over 95% of the people that work in this company will be locally sourced and trained. This is the reason BETONIQ creates local joint ventures. This way BETONIQ companies are local companies that employ local people and keep most of the revenues locally. BETONIQ Factories operates more as a provider of technical and financial resources.

BETONIQ Factories Ltd. Board Members
Teun van Sabeek

Teun van Sambeek, MSc, MRE
CEO BETONIQ Factories Ltd.
Teun has over 30 years of experience in the field of construction and project development of which many projects applied Precast Concrete Elements.
Teun worked as CEO of a Dutch Project Management Bureau, as Vice President of the largest Dutch Institutional Real Estate Investors (Vesteda Project) and as Project Development Director at one of Dutch most prominent Private Project Developers. Teun obtained his MSc in Construction Engineering in 1991 at the Technical University of Eindhoven and obtained his Master of Real Estate (MRE) degree in 1995 at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Teun is the founder of BETONIQ.
Rick Schram

Rick Schram MSc, MBA
Chairman BETONIQ Factories Ltd. and CHRO & PA – BD
Rick joined BETONIQ in 2015 as Chairman and Chief Human Resource Officer & Public Affairs / Business Development. Currently, Rick is also a proven entrepreneur with a solid international track record; Rick received his Masters Degree at the UvA in Amsterdam 1989 and MBA at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam 2003.
Juan van Grinsven

Juan van Grinsven
CFO BETONIQ Factories Ltd.
The last decade, Juan has proven to be a solid entrepreneur and a financial expert in real estate. After working as an accountant for 7 years in the position Manager of Finance at a Real Estate Company, Juan founded Interim Vastgoedbeheer in the Netherlands and in Belgium. Interim Vastgoedbeheer is a Real Estate Management company that worked tor private companies and governments in the Netherlands and Belgium. Juan sold his companies in 2013 to be able to fully focus on the BETONIQ projects.